Verb med -s, -es, -ies ändelser
I engelskan får verb ibland en -s ändelse, vilket på engelska kallas plural verbs. Ibland blir ändelsen i stället -es eller -ies.
Regeln är att ändelsen -s sker med verb som är i presens och i tredje person singular (han, hon, det), till exempel ”She likes to drink coffee”. Däremot sker det inte i övriga fall.
- I like to drink coffee.
- He likes to drink coffee.
- She likes to drink coffee.
- They like to drink coffee.
- We like to drink coffee.
Verb som slutar med -s
Oftast får verbet ändelsen -s när något sker i tredje person singular.
ExempelHe knows everything about it.
She sends her regards.
The bank pays the check.
Men det sker inte i tredje person plural.
ExempelThey send their regards.
Some banks pay interest on saving accounts.
Verb som slutar med -es
Verb som slutar på -ch, -sh eller -ss får i stället ändelsen -es.
ExempelShe catches the ball.
She pushes back.
I like the way he kisses me.
Även verb som slutar med ”o” får en -es ändelse. Do ändras till does och go ändras till goes.
Verb som slutar med -ies
När verbet slutar på konsonant plus -y får det ändelsen -ies.
Exempel[try] She tries hard.
[cry] The baby cries.
Fel eller rätt?
Rätt I play really fast.
Fel I plays really fast.
Regel: Ingen -s ändelse för första person singular (I)
Rätt Water lilies grow in water.
Fel Water lilies grows in water.
Regel: Ingen -s ändelse för plural (Water lilies)
Rätt If you run fast you win.
Fel If you runs fast you win.
Regel: Ingen -s ändelse för andra person singular (you)
Rätt Look for conditions that suits you.
Fel Look for conditions that suit you.
Regel: Tredje person singular (conditions)
Rätt These situations tend to be expensive.
Fel These situations tends to be expensive.
Regel: Ingen -s ändelse för plural (these situations)
Rätt Sometimes great things happen.
Fel Sometimes great things happens.
Regel: Ingen -s ändelse för plural (things)
Rätt What does this mean?
Fel What does this means?
Regel: Does (do) mean
Rätt This means the battery is low.
Fel This mean the battery is low.
Regel: This (demonstrativt pronomen singular) means
Rätt But regardless of what happens.
Fel But regardless of what happen.
Regel: Tredje person singular (what)
Rätt I hope that the procedure stays the same.
Fel I hope that the procedure stay the same.
Regel: the procedure (it) stays the same
Rätt A water molecule consists of three atoms; an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.
Fel A water molecule consist of three atoms; an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.
Regel: a water molecule (it) consists of ...